Hey! It’s Heather and this is my bullied story.

So, when I first came to where I live now, I was going to the local international school.
It was the first school I’d gone to that wasn’t homeschool. Anyway, my parents walked me up to meet my new second grade teacher. She was really nice and I knew I would love her as my teacher.
She took me into the classroom and sat me down next to a sweet looking girl. For the sake of security I’m gonna call her Maya. ‘Maya’ looked at me and smiled. The teacher introduced me to Maya and walked away. That’s when Maya gave me a dirty look and returned to her book.
I was kinda shocked, but decided to pursue a conversation.
“Whatcha reading?” I asked her as I leaned over to see.
“Why in the world would you care?!” She said slowly backing away from me.
I said nothing as I backed away. Maya was a bully to me throughout 2-5 grade. She and a few other girls took advantage of my anxiety and would purposely tell me awful, scary things.
when I reached fourth grade they learned that I no longer was affected in that way, so they picked at me in my looks. In the middle of fifth grade, I decided I would no longer believe what they told me about myself. My only two friends, Avery and another friend (I won’t name) were my support. Maya moved that year. I was so happy to finally have peace. Then my friend (who shall not be named) decided that someone needed to replace Maya. She started telling me I was useless, ugly, and fat. I was NOT fat, ugly, or useless. I played competitive sports all that year and I was a needed player. For some reason I didn’t seem to realize that. All throughout sixth grade she bullied me repetitively and for some strange reason, I kept her as my friend. I don’t know why I did that. Well, recently (In 7th grade) she started swearing. That was the end of it for me, I lost it on her. I regret some of the things I said while telling her I was done with the friendship. I then stopped hanging out with her. So recently, I have been homeschooled due to furlough. Well I had a Zoom with my friends in the class and someone had invited her (the friend who should not be named). I got on the Zoom and it was just her. I asked her how she was doing and she said she was okay. Then I jokingly asked if everyone missed me, that was a mistake. She said no and that I was unwanted, unloved, and that the class was better off without me. I just told her I was sorry she felt that way and turned off my video. That’s when everyone started showing up. I was really hurt by what she said. I kept trying to prove her wrong by talking to my friends on email. Well I didn’t always get answers, that was when I’d really freak out. A couple days ago, I decided I would really try to stop believing what she said and I’ve been feeling a lot better.
This was just my story, so I won’t be giving advice, but please stay tuned for the 30th of September, where I will give advice!
-Heather 🖤
I am so sorry that you were bullied! Very inspiring story
Such an inspiring story <3 I‘m here for you! :)
love you so much! always here for you :)