Hey Everyone! Today I wanted to give you some things to do after a long day. When I have long days that are stressful, these are some of the things I do to relax and calm down. Enjoy!

Make one of your favorite kinds of tea for yourself, or a tea that you really like to drink (but make sure that it is caffeine free.)
Listen to your favorite music (or relaxing music) and doodle, draw, paint, or sketch
Do some yoga
Take a break from screens (iPads, Phones, Computers, etc.) for a while
Take a bubble bath or warm shower
Read your favorite book
If you have a spa face mask, then I would recommend you use it, because when you put it on your face, let it dry, and then peel it off, your skin feels very smooth and clean. It’s very relaxing!
That’s all that I have for you guys today! I hope you enjoyed these tips that I gave you for how to relax after a long day! See you all next time!
Merry Early Christmas!! :)
- Avery